Friday, February 6, 2009

listen up

HI G-viewers this time i come up to you to talk about the Middle East conflict between the palestinias and Israel, if anyone of you wnt to make a movie or knows someone that wants tomkae a movie.
since the operation in the Gaza territory of the israeli army called "molten lead""plomo fundido".

All the media have been condeming israel for the "masacre" of the palestinian people but truly, there's no law in the world that prohibits the media for being sencasionalist, so you can't trust anyone in the media, neither me is uo nto you what to belive o not.

here in colombia the siuation has been very tense but ion my neigborh country, Venezuela all anti-semitic people destroyed a sinagoge and git info of the people that were signed in there. thats just one of the multiple worldwide attacks against the jews, thanks to the media people.

the problem is that for the outside the hamas are just a political party and a deffensive "army" but the truth is that there are very brutal people that use their own to protect themselves as human shields.

just to finish, there is never going to be peace unless all the pats want é4ace not just israel,

Golda Meir ( a simbol in the creation of the israel state) once said: "there will be peace when the palestinians love their children more than they hate us"

see ya´the great viewer

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