Thursday, February 12, 2009

the rigths,... are for everyone

Hello there, G-viewers. this time a want you to know about on of the movies that has changed my way of seeing the world and all the people inside it.


Based on a true story, this movie tells the story about a man that despite he is gay, he wants to be treated, and that ll the other gays to be treated respectfuly like straigth people, in a part of the movie hey mention America, and there rigth, America is for that, to enjoy all th freedoms, like for example freedom of religion, freedom of expression.

1978, Harvey Milk, a great wall street employee, feels like he is lying to everyone about his homosexuality. That's why he decides to quit his job and move with his partner to a small neighbor, where he decides to open a camera shop, that soon becomes more than that.

when he sees the injustice his friends are suffering just for being gays, he start to talk infornt of their bosses and infront of politicians that are against the hmosexual people. but as they gain support of all the gay comunity, they decide to run for a public office, and suddenly he becomes he first openly gay public officer in America.

i'll just live it there, dont want top tell you all the story, but i must aske you to see this movie it will change your way to see the world and the people in it.

see ya´the great viewer

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