Monday, January 19, 2009

"halo" the movie the hope remains

this came by in a mail, I recived a few days ago, I´m sure you all know Halo, the game for x-box so popular that the studios has give us the luxuty of playing, but it seems it does not end there.

if seen many of evidence of a halo movie was about to came out in the U.S in September of 2007 but it seems the studios didn't finishesd, there´s still hope for the 2009. Anyway i want you to know about this because if that´s true here in Colombia we also have to have hope about it.

So join the groups of facebook that ask the petittion of bringing back to work the halo movie.
I know all this sounds crazy, "who will make a movie of a videogame?" but belive me, personally i think it is true but is up to you.

here i give you the only trailer they made(or the only one i have found), it's well made but is from youtube and there I have seen a lot of fakes of movies and games so i leave it at your judgement.

see ya´the great viewer

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