Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Operation: Valkyrie

In a country where everything in wich te people use to belive, where when it was found the party of that time had a different vision of the future, a country where the justice and honor are no more than a bunch of corrupt values of a crazy rooten old man, in the time of the World War Two...I think you know wich country, also, wich party, and also wich man I´m talking about.

that´s rigth, the Nazi germany. this story, based on a real one, tell the story about the Coronel Claus von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) and a group of men hidden in some of the higher ranks of the Nazis, with a plan crazy as just itself to kill one of the most evil tyrants the world has ever known.
but, for giving you a little clue, who is the Conorel Claus von whatever? he is one of the loyalest soldiers of Germany that serves his country while waits for the resistace to overthrow Hitler and avoid the destrucicon of the whole Europe.
He sees that the time is running and he joins the germany resistance. Where, by using Hitler's emergency plan, " Operation Valkyrie" plan to kill him. That's where the movie begins with the pre-planing of the assassination.
personally I´have not seen this movie ( all the rest of them i see them) but I like a lot the theme of the WWII, so this is going to be for sure, a awesome movie that will show a lot of people one of the hidden realities of the holocaust.
I´m going to give you a little more info. in a few days, so wait, it's not over. Here's the TRAILER, for you to see it and get inerested, belive me is really good.

see ya´the great viewer

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