Thursday, January 22, 2009

X-men origins: Wolverine

HI g-viewers, here I am again, this time bringing you new top informatio that i just got from the web about X-men origins: Wolverine, the status of the film is that it ios in post-produccion and is gettin out in the U.S the 5th of may.

this time´I want to talk about the actor of Deadpool and Gambit. the actor of this two are, after a great competicion (if i shoukd say that) of many actors, in the Deadpool part, we have ryan reynolds, we have seen him in movies like blade: trinity, and in the Gambit side we have taylor kitsch, he has appear in movies like, sankes on a plane and the evil alliance.

this mash-up of heroes look really great, i think is amazing to have more tah one hero in a movie. but anyway, ah¡¡¡ last time i forgot to hang up in the last article so...

see ya´the great viewer

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